Saturday, June 02, 2012
I suppose, as I continue this discourse, right now just with myself, I should ponder the reason I am writing this at all. Well, as I attempt to change the direction of my career, and therefore my life, which I have pointed towards capturing beautiful images, probably of beautiful women, this blog should allow me to recieve feedback on my perspectives as well as some of my work. Importantly though it alows me to think through why and how I go about this endevour.
As far back as I can remember I have found female legs the most exquisite of nature's creations. A pair of beautiful legs is really something to behold. Long, a shapely calf, norrow ankle, toned thigh and long. Behold those of Katy!
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
The archive search continues. What I have learnt with this exercise is there is Beauty all around. Some time ago, I was very fortunate to visit Argentina and see many examples of the Tango, in the street, night clubs and a veriety of shows. I find it a most beautiful dance, full of sensuality and movement. This is a photo of two dancers in a nightclub that did a fantastic display in a very small space.
GarySaturday, May 05, 2012
Smiling bright
Well, Boris got in. Could have been much worse.
trawling through my archive and came accross a most beautiful smiling
Katy, full of happiness, and I hope it brightens your day a little on
this cold and grey one. Katy has the most wonderful blogg, .
full of her interesting views and talk of her fabulous shoots. I was
very fortunate to spend a day shooting with her. She is a fantastic
Wednesday, May 02, 2012

2 May 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
I am now here!
Well, discovered today I have a blog, last posted years ago. Today starts my new foray into the world of blogging. Maybe life will be more interesting. I attended, two weeks ago, the Bruce Smith Academy for photography. 5 great days of learning, in preparation for my new life as a photographer. Watch this space for updates.
One of my images from the workshop. Hope you like it!
30 April 2012
One of my images from the workshop. Hope you like it!
30 April 2012
Sunday, June 12, 2005
In search of beauty
This is my first foray into the world of blog.
I suppose it is important to give a little bit of history. A geordie lad am I, but well travelled. An African cosmopolitan of sorts, with many years in Zimbabwe and South Africa, a short spell in Hungary and back to the UK a few years ago.
Why in search of beauty? Wait for my next installment.
I suppose it is important to give a little bit of history. A geordie lad am I, but well travelled. An African cosmopolitan of sorts, with many years in Zimbabwe and South Africa, a short spell in Hungary and back to the UK a few years ago.
Why in search of beauty? Wait for my next installment.